Sinonggi Foods People Tolaki
Sago is one type of staple food in some parts of Indonesia, including Tolaki tribe who inhabited land area in Southeast Sulawesi by the community that there is staple food called by the name "Sinonggi". Sinonggi is the same as that in Papua Papeda or Moluccas, or if the Luwu Palopo South Sulawesi call Kapurung, but of the three names above Sinonggi, Papeda and Kapurung has a way of presenting different or the same in both its form and manner of presentation accompanying dishes.
Sinonggi in its presentation cooked and served separately between Sinonggi, vegetable side dishes and fish dishes as well as other complementary side dishes, then when will be eaten Sinonggi incorporated into the plate.
Sinonggi which are traditional culinary Tolaki community is made up of :
1. Sinonggi is thickened with sago quintessence how flush with enough hot water while stirring / rotated slowly until it thickens like a "glue" and ready to be served or mosolori Tolakinya language.
2. Vegetables, vegetables, and is typical of the most suitable partner for eating sinonggi (regional language "mosonggi") is a mixture of spinach, eggplant small round their local language called palola, then Okri / vegeta or kopigandu local language as well as beans, cooked and usually clear when presented with the separated water vegetable soup vegetable.
3. The side dish of fish or meat / chicken, the most typical dishes and is most suitable for fish dishes, meat / chicken is cooked is cooked tawaoloho clear with a little spice, but coupled with a distinctive flavor that leaves fruit or forest kedondong local language called tawaoloho , can also use regular kedondong leaves but less sour or acidic taste, which is typical sour taste sour or leaves kedondong is what gives the sensation of fresh sour taste appetizing.
4. chili, almost all dishes taste better if its chili, as well as Sinonggi. Sinonggi chili sauce is usually just the usual grind, peppers and tomatoes and shrimp paste according to taste and the taste is a little bit distinctive young mango sauce mixed with grated or shredded, and there is one type of mango in the Southeast that tastes very sour / sour, if the local call it by the name of mango "hiku" Indonesian language if I do not know because it has never been found. But it was sour and sour flavors makes eating Sinonggi or mosonggi will feel pleasure to sweat.
Sinonggi eating this way is to first water soup, vegetable soup can of water which has been separated earlier or it could be the water or the fish sauce meat / chicken is cooked tawaoloho, or a mixture of both to taste the plate taken in moderation then added lime juice (local language: Tolaki orange), then Sinonggi or sago which has thick rolled was taken by way of wearing posonggi (chopstick) inserted into the broth was then mixed with vegetable and fish dishes, meat / chicken, and certainly do not miss the chili paste plus mango saplings. If the first Sinonggi may take a little clumsy but when it's used to the taste and guaranteed to be addicted to taste the traditional cuisine of this Tolaki society.
Sinonggi including a refreshing and healthy food . In addition to vegetables and side dishes cooked with herbs that not too much ( cooking nodes ) , according to the Ministry of Agriculture R & D research Sago as the main raw material is known to contain about 85.6 % carbohydrate , 5 % fiber and to 100 grams of dry sago is equivalent to 355 calories . Besides containing carbohydrates also contain a natural polymer that is a kind of substance that is beneficial to the human body such as slowing down the increase in blood glucose levels that are safe for consumption by people with diabetes mellitus . In addition , the sago fibers also contain substances that function as probiotics , boost immunity , and reduce the risk of colon cancer and lung . So traditional culinary heritage is in addition to community Tolaki very delicious to eat it is also very healthy , would deem it popularized as one of the culinary delights and healthy choices through the Indonesian archipelago in order Sinonggi Traveling can be known not only in the archipelago but also to foreign countries .
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